Lunch Friday 9th December Happy Holidays

Lunch Friday 9th December

“Australian” Carbonara – Pick up 18 Friesian St, Cowaramup LIA
Homemade Spiral Pasta served with an “Australian” Carbonara, cream, egg, parmesan, crispy bacon and freshly ground pepper.  One Serve $10.00 Vegetarian option available with a spicy sicilian sauce (tomato capers,olives and chilli). One Serve $10.00 Please advise when booking if you would like this option. Place an order before 10 am Friday for pickup between 11.30 am and 1 pm.  Ph 0477 066 093

If it is to eat at a later time, ie dinner, please let us know when booking.

This is our last lunch service for the year.  We will be closed the week between Christmas and New Year.  If you need to pick up any orders, pasta or our frozen meals from us, we will still at the kitchen shop until the 23rd December and at the Farmers’ Market as usual.   See you in the new year for more lunches.  Happy Holidays.

Thanks Romano